Rod and Glynis Hatchell believe in strong partnerships with our sellers and buyers. We care about the personal and financial well being of our clients. We have over 28 years of combined experience in real estate, and we pride ourselves in achieving results and satisfaction during every transaction. Havasu has been our home since 2016, and real estate is what we do “full time.”
Getting Started.
It’s taking the time to have a full understanding of the most important needs and wants of the parties that are involved. With this information, we can provide you with options that allow you to make an informed decision. We understand that the decisions that you are making are not just day to day decisions, they’re investment decisions, and they have long lasting effects, whether you’re a buyer or a seller.
Something that matters.
We don’t have assistants that will be contacting you. As a team, we are not afraid of hard work and will always be in close contact with you throughout the successful closing of your real estate transaction.
Come live the lifestyle in Lake Havasu, where there is always something to do! Or not! Your choice!! Yes, we work weekends. Don’t forget to check out our testimonials – we are 5 stars rated on Zillow.
Is this the right time for you to sell? If the question has crossed your mind, then maybe we should have a quick get together and provide you with the information that will help you make an informed decision. We can give you the latest estimates on current value of your real estate. You can call, text, or e-mail.
We look forward to hearing from you – Rod and Glynis